A Meaningful New Year's Resolution
What's your New Year's Resolution? Lose 10 pounds. Eat Better. Get a gym membership. Pick up an exercise class. Go on walks. Are these any of yours? They won't stick. Why? Because they are not meaningful enough. Truth be told, your resolution won't stick unless it really means something to you. If you've got a goal you are serious about reaching or a thorough plan to reach a milestone, you have a much greater chance of succeeding in whatever that may be.
This new year take a moment to think about your resolution and make it meaningful for yourself and to where you are at in your life at this point in time. Start 2016 off with a bang by waking up in the new year with purpose and a goal in mind. When this year is coming to a close, you will thank yourself for taking a moment to actually choose a meaninful resolution that will better your life.
For 2016, my resolution is to pay more attention to my body and what it is trying to tell me. I will eat nutritious, non-processed foods to fuel my brain and body, and will exercise as much as my body allows me to to keep myself healthy, active, and most importantly happy. Exercise gives me the most joy, and so I will do more of that ;)
Cheers to 2016!
Live Well,
Angie Gunner

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