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At Home: Buns & Thighs Tone Workout

On vacation or home with the kids, this workout is made for you. Don't want to drive to the nearest gym, or pop in that 80's workout DVD? In the comfort of your own home or hotel room, do this fast and effective workout to stay toned and in shape. No one said you can't get a good workout in at home! Try it and your body will thank you! Back Leg Lifts What you'll need: a mat or a soft surface

How to:

  • Come onto your hands and knees

  • Bring one leg up to a 90 degree angle

  • With your active leg, do small lifts upward

  • Repeat this action 30 repetitions on each leg

Butt Lifts What you'll need: a mat or a soft surface

How to:

  • Lay flat on your back and separate your feet wide

  • Rest your arms overhead

  • Lift your buns off the ground and lower them back down

  • Repeat this action 30-60 repetitions

Seated Side Leg Lifts What you'll need: a mat or a soft surface

How to:

  • Rest on one side of your body and prop yourself up on your forearm

  • Place your free hand on your waist

  • Bend your inactive leg to a 90 degree angle, slightly in front of your body (for support)

  • Straighten your active leg and raise it up 3-4 inches off the ground

  • Keeping your active leg up, do small pulse movements upward

  • Repeat this action 30-40 repetitions on each leg

Inner Thigh Slims What you'll need: a mat or a soft surface

How to:

  • Lay flat on your back and extend your legs to straight, overhead

  • Turn your feet out into a 1st position

  • Bring your hands behind your head and lift your upper body off of the ground

  • Keeping your upper body lifted, tap your legs together

  • Repeat this action 30 repetitions

  • Keeping your legs straight, cross them in small movements

  • Repeat this action 30-50 repetitions

Finish this workout with 10 minutes of cardio like walking on the treadmill or elliptical to loosen up your muscles.

Visit my blog each week for new posts on effective workouts, clean eating recepies, diet tips, motivational stories, and more!

TODAY "I have no Yesterdays, Time took them away, Tomorrow may not be, but I have Today."~Pearl Yeadon McGinnis

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