Creating a Healthy Lifestyle with Angie Gunner
15 Daily Lifestyle Tips for a Healthy and Happy Life

How To Modify Your Home To Better Your Well-being
Jan 7, 2018 | by Natalie Jones Home is where relaxation should begin: soft sheets, comfortable temperatures, healthy air quality....

Your underlying reason for getting in shape should be for yourself. Once you make yourself the driving force behind your goals, you will...

Secretly Sweet and Healthy Recipes
If you need some assistance in staying away from bad sweets, try these secretly sweet and healthy recipes from IDLife and you'll never go...

December Matters
It's the most wonderful time of the year! Yes, Hello December, we can't be more excited that you have finally arrived, but we kindly ask...
The Super Salad
After a long day at the office and a great workou,t I want something that is fast, easy and doesn’t make my waistline expand. A healthy...

At Home: Buns & Thighs Tone Workout
On vacation or home with the kids, this workout is made for you. Don't want to drive to the nearest gym, or pop in that 80's workout DVD?...
What to cut: Proteins, Fats, or Carbs?
Which one of the following should you cut out of your diet when trying to lose the pounds: a. Proteins b. Fat c. Carbs Answer: NONE of...

Create Healthy Eating Habits
One of the easiest ways to stay in top shape is by creating healthy eating habits to live by. It is arguable that the hardest part of a...

Why you keep telling yourself the diet starts "tomorrow"
Tomorrow is Today. Today was Yesterday. It's time to start getting back to a healthy regimen. Yes, it's tough to get back eating...