6 Pack Starters
Want a 6 pack? You've got to work for it day in and day out. Fall and winter body preparation will make your spring and summer body...

At Home: Buns & Thighs Tone Workout
On vacation or home with the kids, this workout is made for you. Don't want to drive to the nearest gym, or pop in that 80's workout DVD?...

10 Minutes to Tighten Up
Woke up late, missed the zumba class, don’t have time to pick out a workout outfit and can’t hit the gym for an hour? Try my 10 minute...

Create Healthy Eating Habits
One of the easiest ways to stay in top shape is by creating healthy eating habits to live by. It is arguable that the hardest part of a...

How to turn your highest fitness goals into achievements
Yes, we all have those "unattainable" fitness goals we want to reach. Those "dreams" about having six pack abs and a super toned and...