Angie Gunner on the cover of Train for Her Magazine
She is an American Barre Technique certified barre instructor and fitness trainer. She loves sharing her passion for ballet through fitness

Angie Gunner featured in Krunch Magazine
Enjoy Angie Gunner's exclusive total body American Barre Technique workout in this month's Krunch Magazine and online at:...

Angie Gunner | Badass Ballerina | Fitness Magazine Feature
Plié, passé & changement your way to a better body, like a badass ballerina with Angie Gunner's American Barre Technique barre-inspired...

Angie Gunner Interview with the International Sports Sciences Association
Angie Gunner spoke with the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) to discuss the benefits of ballet fitness, especially American

MAX Sports and Fitness 8 Page Feature
"Setting the Barre High: Have You Tried Barre Fitness Yet? Talk about a total body workout! Read Angie Gunner's full 8-Page Workout...

A Meaningful New Year's Resolution
What's your New Year's Resolution? Lose 10 pounds. Eat Better. Get a gym membership. Pick up an exercise class. Go on walks. Are these...